It’s interesting to note that most companies in the UK using water-soluble metalworking fluids are still unaware of their requirements for the monitoring and control of bacteria.
Companies should ensure they comply with the law & 2002 COSHH Regulations on dealing with health risks associated with the use of metalworking fluids.
The HSE States that:
“Exposure to metalworking fluids can cause; irritation of the skin/dermatitis, occupational asthma, bronchitis, irritation of the upper respiratory tract, breathing difficulties or, rarely, a more serious lung disease called extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA)”
“Fluid systems that contain water or water-mixes can become highly contaminated with harmful bacteria. The bacterial contamination of fluids and associated machinery and pipework should be monitored and controlled. Direct means of measuring bacterial contamination should be used in conjunction with other checks on fluid quality, e.g. fluid concentration and pH”
Several companies over the last few years have suffered large fines not to mention a significant amount of downtime.
Fluid Solve can help by setting up a regular fluid monitoring and bacteria testing service – we complete all of the necessary fluid checks and eliminate any bacteria present through the controlled use of biocides.
We ensure your metalworking fluid systems stay in control and provide a safer working environment for your machine operators.
If you would like our help then please feel free to give us a call on 0121 2317060 or drop us an email at